Looking to connect More?

I have a few different ways that we can connect...


Follow me on Instagram for lupus information and tips


Looking for more ways to connect with me and stay up-to-date with lupus resources, news and tips? Then be sure to follow me on Facebook!

My Facebook page is a great way to connect with me directly. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, I encourage you to reach me through Facebook messenger. I'm always happy to chat and provide support in any way I can.


Hey! send me an email to yenika@yenikaellison.com

Yenika Ellison

Get my 100% free LUPUS GUIDE!

Discover the power of nutrition and lifestyle changes in managing Lupus symptoms and improving your quality of life.



It's so great to have you on my website and blog. I hope to learn more about you. Make sure you stay connected.

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